Do you sometimes wonder what happens to the various donations you make each year?

Your Broomfield Open Space Foundation donations are turned into EXPERIENCES! Read on to find out how.

● Have you read the new signs installed on the Industrial Lane side of SHEP’S CROSSING? You can learn so much about Broomfield by reading these signs. And your BOSF donations helped fund them!

● Have you visited METZGER FARM OPEN SPACE on Lowell and 120th? Your BOSF donations have created a guide to the farm’s trails, history, and wildlife!

Did you attend the FISHING DERBY AT TOM FROST RESERVOIR? Your BOSF donations supplied the fish for Broomfield’s youngsters to catch!



● Have you attended in person or virtually the SPEAKERS SERIES? The 2021 speakers opened our eyes to carbon, pollinators, owls, coyotes, public lands, and indigenous history. Your donations have helped sponsor these speakers so they could bring this knowledge to us.
● Did you visit our tent at BROOMFIELD DAYS? Your donations helped fund displays to show our visitors where Broomfield’s open spaces and trails are located, what wildlife they may see, and what opportunities are available to be involved in maintaining our open spaces.
● Have you attended Broomfield’s NATURE PROGRAMS? Your donations help fund the cost to get the word out about these events that immerse our children in the wonderful world of nature.

Have you walked, hiked, or biked one of Broomfield’s trails? For 25 years BOSF has been installing perches, signage, and dog stations in Broomfield’s open spaces to keep them attractive to people and wildlife. This has only been possible because of your donations!

Go Here To Donate

Thank you for your generous donation to the
Broomfield Open Space Foundation.



Categories: Fundraiser